Monday, April 15, 2013

Foundation quilting

I love love love sewing and I always take pictures and send them to my mom and a few other people  once I've finished the project. I like to live outside of the box and design my own stuff and often think about blogging or making tutorials.... Then I go nope.... I don't know how to and would not have a clue where to start.... And ofcourse I would much rather be sewing then sitting at a computer trying to design a tutorial. Not to mention dealing with copy right stuff... Figure not for me.

However thanks to Beth at Piece by number and her fabulous How to links  i become interested in foundation quilting / piecing.  Once I saw her Free candy box heart block I loved it so much I just had to try it!

But I needed to make a quick baby quilt and didn't have the time to do a quilt with a lot of blocks... How I wanted to try the heart block now though! So I got the idea why not enlarge her block to a Huge block and have that be the quilt top!

Excited I quickly saved her FREE block, have I mentioned its FREE, I enlarged it using Block posters website , again this is also free to use, printed and taped it all together and started sewing my first piece by number project!

LESS then 1 hour later I had a finished baby quilt top..... A super cute quilt top.... I was speechless how easy and fun it was to do!
Can I have a drum roll please...... And here it is
Candy box heart block to baby quilt
It turned out a little smaller then a 28 inch square but once a border is added it will be the perfect size!
Fun glittery fabric!
I'm sure I'm not the only one that's ever done this before but I just loved it soooo much that I had the share! I hope you enjoy and have fun quilting!!!!

P.S. this blog post took me longer to make the the dang quilt lol.... Just saying

If you try it please send me a picture and I'd love to link them here or add them!


  1. Hey Stephy -- great post and what a wonderful baby quilt! Thanks for mentioning my site too :-)

    Happy sewing! Beth, Piece By Number

  2. Thanks for the inspiration Beth!!! These foundation quilts are by far the funnest things I make!!!
